About this website and The Book of Jachanan Ben Kathryn
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This is not my book, haha, I couldn’t have written it if I had 1,000 years to do so, with advanced AI tech. I have suffered from a chronic illness named Babesia, or Babesiosis. It has defined my life in many ways. The last two years of my life my illness has worsened. During that same time I went through a brutal divorce that turned my world upside down (I have three young children). This was my Abraham moment. I descended to a very low point, but God brought me back up to heights I had never been before.
During this time I travelled to Mexico twice to seek treatment that was supposed to help me. These two trips were two of the hardest times in my life, I just wanted to die, right then, I was done. I made it home from Mexico hanging by a thread.
Long story short I was so sick when I returned home, I was in bed or laying down for about a month. During that time the Holy Ghost spoke to me like I had never experienced before, I was driven by the Holy Ghost to study the scriptures, and pray for 5-10 hours per day. I was seeking information about the last days. I continued to study, ponder, and pray for many hours each day. I was driven to study the book of Isaiah. I followed the commandment in 3rd Nephi 23:1, “And now, behold, I say unto you, that ye ought to search these things. Yea, a commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah”. I did just that. I spent the next 3 months or so studying Isaiah, during all of my free time, and due to my illness I have a lot of free time. I still study parts of Isaiah daily. My eyes and ears were opened! I had gained an understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the end times that can only be gained by following the commandment in 3rd Nephi 23:1.
My life continues to be consumed by learning the truths found in the Word of God. I lost my desire for most every other thing in my life, and money/material things were no longer important to me. In September of 2024 I found a YouTube video where a man was talking about The Book of Jachanan Ben Kathryn. This person and a few others on a Reddit thread are literally the only other people who even know about or talk about this book. The YouTube channel was an LDS channel and the man talking about the Book was also LDS. He taught some things from the book that did not agree with what I have learned about the timing of events in the Last Days. Because of this I almost did nothing further, but I felt compelled to read the book myself. At the present time I have only done one full reading of the book (to give context, I spent approx. 30 hours). I have not done a deep dive study (for context, like 200 hours) like I have of Isaiah and other books. For the record, I DO NOT agree with many of the interpretations that are found in the “LDS version” of the Book of Jachanan Ben Kathryn. This LDS member inserted some of his own interpretations, footnotes, chapter headings etc. I am sure many of them are correct, but others are not. My study was strictly of the book itself, not any other mans interpretations.
It is my present opinion that The Book of Jachanan Ben Kathryn is scripture inspired by God and written by a true prophet of God. I have seen nothing in the book that contradicts the scriptures in the Standard Works of the Latter Day Saints, including the Bible and Book of Mormon. In fact, it is a beautifully written, mysterious, poetic book of scripture like unto Isaiah. If it is not scripture from God, then the person who wrote it is a literary, and scriptural genius, like the world has not seen before. I personally don’t believe any human could write this book without help from God. There is simply too much symbolism that agrees perfectly with the other scriptures.
Below is an introduction to the book. I don’t believe this introduction was part of the original scriptural record. I think it was written by whoever runs the website gatheredin.one. However, I think it is helpful.
Introduction to the Book of Jachanan Ben Kathryn (not written by me, see paragraph above)
The Book of Ben Kathryn claims to be a modern revelation to Judah through a modern prophet (the first true Jewish Prophet in modern times), heralding the end of the Times of the Gentiles and the turning of the Jews to the Messiah with the final ‘Restoration of Israel.’ It was given to Jachanan ben Kathryn (John, son of Kathryn) first in the year 1995/96. It’s author is a Messianic Jew, born among the Gentiles (in the West?) but taken at an early age to Israel. His texts points out that he did not seek out his calling, and in fact apparently tried actively to flee from it (BOBK 1:2,9). His prophesy is the result of a theophanic experience. As a prophet he is commanded to take no followers, and even now lives unpretentiously out of the public eye waiting for “God’s” command to begin his mission and work miracles and reforms.
One must read it to make their own judgments, but with the exception of a few books, it seems like the more I read most modern restorationalists texts or supposed prophecies the less impressed I am. Most purported prophecies out there are ridiculous — but even some of the more impressive ones (such as those featured on this site) seem often distorted by their channels or means of revelatory reception despite truth and inspiration in them. But the Book of Ben Kathryn is one of the few that the more I have read it, the more I have been absolutely amazed at its prose, poetry, form and allusions to the Old Testament revelations supposedly originating from the “God of Israel”. Not to mention the fact that I was led to the text by a powerful spiritual experience involving an audible voice directing me to it for the short time it was available in English. It makes specific verifiable prophetic claims. And its associated angelic ‘instructions to the prophet’ tell specifically of miracles that the prophet will work “in his old age” to prove his authenticity. In this and many of my articles I attempt to look at the book objectively even though I have been thoroughly convinced both spiritually and intellectually of its authenticity.
It truly is a spectacular revelation, rivaling any of those found in the Old Testament. Its subtle and ubiquitous references and allusions to the Books of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Ezra, Nehemiah, Zechariah and more make it seem as though it came from the same authors. It is certainly not surprising that the revelation was given/written in both English and Hebrew.
The book suggests it need not be rejected or believed at present, since God will “prove” to the nations of its truth by the coming fulfillment of biblical prophecy, accompanied by miraculous events not seen since the days of Jesus. (People raised from the dead, unparalleled healings, appendages miraculously restored to those without legs, and eventually even green fire from heaven (likely a large solar flare interacting with the earth’s decaying magnetic field). And perhaps most importantly, the movement he starts will slowly bring about the eventual conversion of Jews, Islamic countries & Christians to a new religion, much as the works of Jesus did in the first through fourth centuries.
Although not specifically mentioned, Jachanin Ben Kathryn’s revelation indirectly suggests he/his movement will perhaps be one of the “two witnesses” symbolically portrayed in Revelation 11 (see also D&C 77:15), who will come to Israel during at Daniel’s prophesied “70th week”, to herald the end of the Times of the Gentiles and the beginning of the restoration of Israel.
SMITE thou the ground and I shall raise up prophets as the dust to afflict this generation. Look up Israel, look up, behold the latter rain as before, saith the LORD. Look up and feel the steady rain. Lift up the head of Israel, remove thou the plate. Hear the child cry from afar: The miracles of our God, the miracles of our God— a child is cleansed; a maiden is raised from the dead; a man without legs walketh. Behold again in the name of Jesus Christ this is done in Israel. Look up, O Israel, believe and greet thy redeemer as he cometh. (instructions to the Prophet)
About the Blog Posts:
I use ChatGPT to help write some of my posts, but the interpretations are always my own. I am just trying to share this Book of scripture with people, and the more good content the better.