In chapter 63:5 it talks about Israel being cursed once again with 70 years of captivity. I decided to write this post because I heard someone else on YouTube state that he thought this meant 70 years from when John Son of Kathryn wrote this chapter (or something to that affect). Also, that it was a physical captivity. His interpretation is that the earth has a minimum of 40 years left before the end. This did not sit well with me, and was the reason I almost didn’t read the book. I know based on my study of other end time scripture that we are in the last decade of this earths existence. For me personally there is no debate on this. Here is my interpretation of the 70 years of captivity:
Chapter 63:5
“Because ye sought the land to take comfort in it, and because the heathen proclaimed to you that land was the jewel of my covenant, hear ye this word from the LORD: I appoint you to 70 years of captivity again, captivity and desolation in your own land, captivity which ye expounders of false laws could not extract [ie. determine] because of your hard hearts, and because ye sought land and not the LORD. Because ye sought a god of your creation I have given you no place to call upon”.
Let’s break it down:
Two things happened that brought a covenant curse (spiritual captivity) upon Israel.
“Because ye sought the land to take comfort in it“
Because the Jewish people sought for the land of Israel in 1948 for “comfort” (so they could hide under the wing of big brother America) rather than the covenant reasons God wanted Israel to have their own land, they were cursed.
“because the heathen proclaimed to you that land was the jewel of my covenant“
The Heathen (America) helped Israel receive statehood, and had their own motives for doing so. Israel took the bait and formed the state of Israel, but not for the purpose of serving God. From 1948 forward Israel has been beholden to America. America is Israel’s sugar daddy. Israel cannot stop sucking the teat of America and thus Israel has to follow after the heathen nation. The people of Israel thought land was the Jewel of God’s covenant, but they were wrong, His Jewel is his people.
The curse:
“I appoint you to 70 years of captivity again, captivity and desolation in your own land, captivity which ye expounders of false laws could not extract [ie. determine] because of your hard hearts, and because ye sought land and not the LORD. Because ye sought a god of your creation I have given you no place to call upon.”
So because Israel sought for land and not the LORD in 1948 they were cursed with 70 years of captivity and bondage. This is spiritual captivity, but also Israel has been in America’s bonds ever since 1948. That is up until 2018. On May 14, 1948 is when Israel was officially made a nation. Exactly 70 years later on May 14, 2018 the US embassy in Tel Aviv was moved to Jerusalem. This was the 70th anniversary of Israeli statehood and the end of the 70 years of captivity. I believe that Trump breaking (for a short period) the reign of the secret combinations in the US (who also control Israel), is what allowed this prophesied event to occur.
At first read, I thought chapter 63 was talking about physical captivity, like the Israeli captivity in Egypt. Also, it states in the prophecy that Israel is in desolation. This sort of reads like physical desolation until you really understand. Verse 1 of chapter 66 says “Jerusalem is in desolation.” So clearly desolation does not mean destruction, the way John, the author uses the term. There are many other scriptures in the Bible and Book of Mormon that speak of spiritual captivity, and desolation.